Steel facts - Do you realy know everything there is to know about metal?
Here we show you allthe surprising, fun and facinating facts about steel and aluminium that will bring you an understanding of the diverse and inspiringaspects of these materials. Immerse yourself in the world of the small and large wonders of our materials and be inspired by their versatile applications and fascinating properties. We not only provide you with interesting information but also an entertaining way to learn more about metal processing.
Which alloying elements are there and how do they influence steel?
NICKEL improves the toughness, and also the hardenability, tensile strength, yield strength, corrosion resistance and heat resistance of the steel.
It is an important alloying element in austenitic stainless steels with a nickel content of between 8 and 26 %. In duplex steel, it is between 2 and 7 %.
It is an important alloying element in austenitic stainless steels with a nickel content of between 8 and 26 %. In duplex steel, it is between 2 and 7 %.
COBALT blue, also called Thénard blue, has long been used to colour glass and ceramics. Cobalt also increases corrosion resistance in hard metals, e.g. in turbines or cutting tools.
PREMIUM 1.2709 ESU AISI / SAE 1.2709 ESR - an ultra-high strength tool steel alloyed with cobalt, with excellent toughness and high tensile strength.
PREMIUM 1.2709 ESU AISI / SAE 1.2709 ESR - an ultra-high strength tool steel alloyed with cobalt, with excellent toughness and high tensile strength.
MANGANESE improves the forgeability, weldability, strength and wear resistance of the steel. In high-alloy steels, it has a ferrite-stabilising effect. It promotes austenite formation, which is important for stainless steels, and increases hardenability.
One example is our PREMIUM 1.7131 AISI / SAE 5115 case-hardening steel, which combines wear-resistant surfaces with a tough core.
One example is our PREMIUM 1.7131 AISI / SAE 5115 case-hardening steel, which combines wear-resistant surfaces with a tough core.
MOLYBDENUM is found on earth as hexamolybdenum, an alloy of molybdenum, iridium, iron, osmium and ruthenium. It is also found in foods such as spinach and eggs.
It improves the hardness, tensile strength and wear resistance of steel. Our PREMIUM 1.7225+QT AISI / SAE 4140+QT, a molybdenum-rich steel, is often used in vehicle construction due to its high strength and toughness.
It improves the hardness, tensile strength and wear resistance of steel. Our PREMIUM 1.7225+QT AISI / SAE 4140+QT, a molybdenum-rich steel, is often used in vehicle construction due to its high strength and toughness.
Technical properties, guide values and applications for ABRAMS PREMIUM STEEL
How and what is steel used for?
If the Golden Gate Bridge were built today, it could be constructed with significantly less steel.
Thanks to modern high-strength steels, which are lighter and more resilient, less material would be required without compromising stability.
In addition, construction costs would be lower, resource utilisation more sustainable and the service life longer.
In addition, construction costs would be lower, resource utilisation more sustainable and the service life longer.
Diver‘s watches made from 1.4404 AISI / SAE 316L offer outstanding corrosion resistance and durability, even in the harshest underwater conditions.
This stainless steel protects the case from salt water and ensures reliability at any depth - ideal for precise, robust timepieces that work just as well under water as they do on land!
This stainless steel protects the case from salt water and ensures reliability at any depth - ideal for precise, robust timepieces that work just as well under water as they do on land!
The Eiffel Tower is made of 7,300 tones of iron, which at the time was produced using a special forging technique similar to today‘s structural steel.
In modern structures, steel can support buildings over 800 metres high, such as the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the tallest skyscraper in the world.
In modern structures, steel can support buildings over 800 metres high, such as the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the tallest skyscraper in the world.
The first skyscrapers, such as the Home Insurance Building in Chicago (1885), has reached a height of 42 metres with the help of steel frames.
Today, modern steel structures can make buildings such as the Shanghai Tower, with a height of 632 metres, possible. Without steel, this type of construction would be unthinkable!
Today, modern steel structures can make buildings such as the Shanghai Tower, with a height of 632 metres, possible. Without steel, this type of construction would be unthinkable!